Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Larry Fine Mural

In May 1999, the beginning of a special mural honoring the stooge in the middle, Larry Fine, started when a weekly Philadelphia newspaper suggested that the City of Philadelphia should create a mural of Larry.

It all began when one of the two major newspapers in Philly started a campaign to raise money for a Frank Sinatra Mural after his death. The weekly paper questioned the daily paper, stating that Sinatra is not from Philly and that the city should create a mural after "a true native son". That of course being Larry, who was born in South Philly and attended Central High School, a city public school. The daily paper agreed that there should be a mural of Larry and stated that they would pass along any suggestions to help out. They actually had some interesting headlines in trying to help raise interest, including "NYUK! Strike up 'Three Blind Mice '...We're huge on mural for a stooge". The City's Mural Arts Program hired David McShane, a self proclaimed "longtime Larry aficionado", to paint our favorite porcupine.

The first fundraiser was held at a bar in Center City Philadelphia on June 17, 1999. I, along with fellow Stooge Fans attended. I brought along some Larry memorabilia for display, including a puppet, an autographed picture and some other goodies. Also in attendance was Larry's sister, Lyla and other family members. Stooge beer was on sale at the bar with some of the proceeds going to towards the mural.

On Tuesday, October 26, 1999, a mural dedication was held at the site of Larry's birth place, 3rd and South street in Philly. The dedication started around 6:00pm with a representative from the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. She introduced the artist, thanked the donators, introduced Lyla and thanked everyone for coming out. One local TV station did cover the event. As you can see from the photo's, the artist did a great job. The mural is of Larry in black and white wearing a white shirt, tie and sport jacket. The background is black and yellow and looks like a target. The mural is approximately 20 feet high, from the corner of 3rd and South streets, you can't miss it! Some people who were walking by asked me what was going on. When I pointed at Larry and mentioned the dedication, almost all smiled and stated that they liked it. Some people there wore Stooges shirts, the latest Stooges beers shirts seemed to be the most popular at the event. Snacks were free and Stooges beer was served. I overheard many conversations about the boys and how they made them laugh. When people realized that Lyla was there, fans wanted to meet her.

The mural is great and certainly an asset to the memories of Larry and the Stooges. It you are in Philadelphia, it is worth a visit and don't forget to bring your camera.

Credit: Jim Pauley


1 Response to "Larry Fine Mural"
  1. Anonymous said...
    December 22, 2012 at 1:43 AM

    Great post, the mural is mentioned in wikipedia's page for Mr. Larry
    Simply unforgettable...

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